

me what you think this means.

"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature."


Unknown said...

I doesn't matter how old are you or how do look, you can still act like a child.

Nejc said...

No matter how old you are you can make stupid things an act like a child.

Gašper said...

I agree with both of you. Well done!

Matej said...

It's another game of words that has different meanings,depending on how one understands it :)

Aleš said...

well i can`t write anything else exept that i agree with this

M!h4 said...

It means that age does not make you mature. Mature i think in a way that you take responcibility for your own actions...

gregahafner said...

It means that it's not important how old you are, you could still act like a baby.

hafnarmatej said...

it means that is no matter if we are young or old...we are same no matter how we look like and we could still act like a young peoples.

LukaOsterc said...

It means that it's not important how old we are, we could still act like a children.

MaticKovac said...
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MaticKovac said...

it means that you may look old, but infact you are still a child.

AlesK said...

it means that is not important if you ar old or young, joust do what you want.

planincic said...

It's not important how old we are to do stupid things!

Gašper said...

It means that you can look old, but you can still be a child on an inside.